I have written so many unpublished drafts since I initiated this blog site. But life happens and it gets in the way. Good intentions do not always lead to the accomplishment of our goals. And it isn’t easy to orchestrate it all in an easy to read manner nor is it all really meant for everyone to read. So there is that…the sorting and deciphering and organizing of the content, all of it labor intensive. Then there is the intended reader to consider. Will they benefit from it, will they enjoy it, will they be critical of the work and lack of writing skills? Finally, there is self critiquing. Once I manage to get something composed I leave it alone for a while and then come back to it. That always ends up with deletion of the work and time invested because, after all, we are our own worst critic.

I do not even know when I first started the site. I have started and deleted it several times and each time under a different name or title. I do know that at one point I had a specific purpose for the blog and so I kept the current name of the blog with the intention to eventually get back to writing.

I wrote often as a young person, though nothing was ever published. I took writing courses all through high school and college at the encouragement of my educators who felt there was some potential to be developed in me. But my parents dicouraged it as a first choice of career to pursue so I went to a two year nursing school and obtained a nursing license so they could be assured that I would never starve and would always have work available to me. I regret not pursuing my dream.

So. Where to get started. Well. I am not a writer. I am not highly educated. I do not hold any degree higher than an Associate Degree in Nursing. (DISCLAIMER: Yes, nursing is an honorable career and does require a great deal of skill and critical thinking. Nurses are very bright, educated, energetic, professional people and there is no higher calling than that of serving others. So to all of my health care professional peers,I hold you in the highest regard and have tremendous respect for what you do every day for others)I do not intend to go back to school for more education or to earn any more degrees. I am not wealthy, have not travelled extensively, I am not a high profile figure in my community. I do not have any aspirations of being a published author of some great work.

I am, however, a human being. A very blessed human being with a wonderful husband, children, grandchildren and, above all, my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I have experienced life with ups and downs. I have good days and bad days, I have dreams and a bucket list. I have a one room cabin with a warm wood stove on this miserable winter day, I have a sewing machine and this computer. I have a desire to reach out to others and be a glimmer of hope where there seems to be none. I want to be real with people. And I had an epiphany through the culmination of events that happened over my life time, particularly recent years, that led to some significant changes in my thinking and my way of life which intiated this blog site with it’s title which leads us to here. Getting Started.

So as I struggle with discipling myself to make a weekly entry on this site, I hope and pray these writings are in some way a blessing to those who may need one and a glory to the God who has guided my entire life and blessed me with a journey that has been rich with blessings thus far, even when I strayed or when I would have preferred not to go through some of those experiences…those times of fiery refining. In the coming days I will make some entries with regard to #JustBreathe# and some of the events that led to changes that have taken place in the last couple years to simplify life. I do not know what lies beyond that in the way of this blog. Perhaps that will be the end of it and perhaps not. But come back and we shall see where we go from there. If you have comments or questions, I would love the feedback and interaction. It may well inspire something. Until next time, just breathe.